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Unravelling Ancestry Surprises: A Radical Exploration of the East Surname through iGENEA DNA Test

Family name East

I recently embarked on a journey of self-discovery with the iGENEA DNA test. Contrary to my belief of having a primarily British heritage, I was rather surprised to find a curious mix of genetic markers that pointed towards a Nordic lineage and Central Asian connections. These results led me to unravel the fascinating history of my surname "East," revealing the paths my ancestors possibly tread, ranging from Viking conquerors to Silk Road traders.

N. East

Recently, I embarked on an incredible journey of self-discovery with iGENEA DNA test. I was startled by the surprises and unexpected turns that unfolded. Being a member of the East family, I had always assumed my roots were firmly planted in England. However, the iGENEA DNA test had some startling revelations in store for me.

Instead of predicting a strong British heritage, the test revealed an intriguing mix of genetic markers, painting a fascinating picture of a distant past that swirled across countries and continents. On closer inspection of my paternal line, the most exciting revelation was an unmistakable presence of Nordic heritage, presumably of the Vikings!

Unprepared as I was for such a revelation, it sparked my interest. Could my ancestors have been Viking conquerors, perhaps? With a newfound curiosity, I delved into this unexpected chapter of my ancestry and discovered that Viking incursions had significantly influenced British surnames, even the Anglo-Saxon surname - East.

The Vikings, known for their long sea voyages, established colonies in various parts of the world, including the British Isles in the 8th century. A Viking chieftain was known as "Austmadr," meaning "the man from the East," which suggests a possible genesis of the surname East.

On my maternal side, my genetic makeup took another surprising turn eastwards – to Central Asia! Traces of Central Asian DNA pointed towards connections with the ancient Silk Road traders, suggesting that my ancestors might have been well-travelled merchants or explorers.

Understanding the meaning and historical context of my surname added a richer dimension to my sense of identity. Though surprising, the idea that my ancestors may have been bold Viking warriors or adventurous Silk Road traders feels empowering. Indeed, these surprising revelations have instilled in me a newfound sense of pride and given a unique narrative to my family history.

N. East

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🧬DNA-ExplorerCeltic DNAViking DNAGenealogy DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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