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Exploring Hagedorn Lineage through iGENEA's Paternal DNA Test: A Journey into My Genetic Heritage

Family name Hagedorn

In my quest to understand my roots, I delved into genetic testing with iGENEA. Through the highly precise and technologically advanced test, I found surprising revelations about my paternal line linked to the surname 'Hagedorn.' This journey took me back thousands of years, tracing the migratory paths of my ancestors, and revealing potential links to other bearers of the Hagedorn surname.

G. Hagedorn

My exploration into my genetic material using iGENEA's DNA test was an enlightening experience. The technical finesse and accuracy of the procedure provided an invaluable insight into my genealogical information related to the surname Hagedorn, once obscure to me.

The initial step in the process involved collecting a buccal swab sample at home. The collection process was comfortable, and the corresponding instructions were clear and easy to follow. Once the sample was sent back to iGENEA, the advanced technological process began. My DNA was extracted, purified, and then analyzed using state-of-the-art microarray technology which boasts an unrivaled degree of precision.

iGENEA provides results comprised of three major analyses: paternal, maternal, and an overall ancestral genetic portrait. My focus here is on the paternal line, specifically linked to the Hagedorn surname. The paternal test evaluated the Y-chromosome, which is passed down from father to son, virtually unaltered. iGENEA's test, therefore, gave me a static representation of my paternal line, dating back thousands of years.

The surname Hagedorn is of Germanic origin, more specifically North German. The term itself indicates 'hawthorn.' This surname-based DNA exploration supported this information, linking my genetic makeup to the North Germanic region. It also showed migratory paths my ancestors might have taken. In my case, my ancestors most likely migrated from Scandinavia to North Germany - a revelation of much significance to me.

iGENEA not only gives a snapshot of the ancestral root but also provides potential genetic matches with other clients, by comparing similarities in genetic code sequences. My test revealed a few matches with people who also bear the Hagedorn surname. This potentially suggests a common ancestor in our paternal lineages, an interesting prospect to explore.

In conclusion, iGENEA’s DNA testing is an intricate blend of sophisticated technology and interpretational acumen. It has transformed my perception of my Hagedorn lineage, rendering a deeper comprehension of my family heritage. This journey into the realms of genetic sciences has taken me beyond the familial stories, right into the heart of my genetic code, revealing hitherto unknown aspects of my lineage.

G. Hagedorn

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNAGermanic DNAViking DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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