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Unraveling the Roots: iGENEA DNA Test Unveils The Deep-Rooted History of Luder Surname

Family name Luder

Having taken the iGENEA DNA test to explore my ancestral origins, I discovered fascinating insights about the Luder surname and its roots. The testing, which analyzed my Y-DNA, mtDNA and autosomal DNA, revealed a captivating ancestry stretching back to both Northern Europe and the Near East, painting a vibrant picture of my lineage.

M. Luder

As a descendant of the Luder surname lineage, I was curious to delve further into my genealogical background. Interested in knowing more about my ancestral past, I trusted the iGENEA DNA testing services, which provided me with insightful findings.

iGENEA scientifically analyzed my DNA samples, giving me an opportunity to trace back my lineage, coded in the genetic material. According to my Y-DNA results, the Luder surname originates from Northern Europe, and it became evident that my paternal lineage is significantly placed in this region, specifically in present-day Germany.

Discovering my genetic roots, the iGENEA Basic Test revealed that I belong to a very ancient haplogroup - R1b, which holds substantial mention within the European genetic landscape. This ancient haplogroup signifies my long-standing connections to hunter-gatherer societies that migrated into Europe around 35,000 years ago during the last Ice Age.

Furthermore, the iGENEA Premium test, which additionally analyzes mtDNA, allowed me to investigate the heritage of my mother's lineage. The results traced my maternal lineage back to a Neolithic female from the Near East, carrying the haplogroup J. This identified my early maternal ancestors as farmers who initiated the Agricultural Revolution around 10,000 years ago.

Moreover, the results juxtaposed my autosomal DNA, showing the interplay of genes from both of my parents. This complex mixture reflects the genetic contributions of my ancestors over generations, displaying a rich tapestry of migration, integration, and survival.

Overall, iGENEA's DNA testing has painted a vivid picture of the migration patterns, ancient civilizations, and historical events that my ancestors had been a part of. These results have expressed a sense of belonging and understanding of my deep-rooted connections within the global genetic network. It provided me an enlightening journey through my own history, giving me a robust perspective of my identity.

M. Luder

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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