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Exploring Lineage through iGENEA: A Journey Into the Deeps of the Rutter Legacy

Family name Rutter

Embarking on a DNA journey, I chose iGENEA to uncover the mystery behind my surname, Rutter. The test offered an exciting venture into my genealogy, exploring my roots and connecting me to a broader family tree, a captivating experience that brought a banquet of enriching knowledge.

M. Rutter

My journey with the iGENEA DNA test was enlightening and captivating. For a long time, I had been intrigued by the origins of my surname, Rutter, but was unsure where to begin. The iGENEA test seemed an ideal starting point and indeed, it did not disappoint. The whole process was smooth, professional, and focused, right from the collection of the sample, all the way to receiving the results.

The results were presented in a clear, understandable layout that made it easy to dig into my lineage. I learned fascinating facts about the Rutter surname, dating back to medieval times. Apparently, my family historically had a significant presence in Northwestern England, particularly in Salford, indicative of a possible Viking or Anglo-Saxon origin. It was a thrilling realization to identify the deep roots of my name.

Empowered by this newfound information, I ventured into iGENEA’s DNA database, eager to connect with other Rutters. I was not disappointed. Searching through the extensive database, I found several individuals with the same surname from different regions worldwide. It was like finding a missing puzzle piece that connected me to a broader family tree.

There was a sense of camaraderie and shared heritage with the people I connected with through the database. Some indeed traced their lineage back to the same region as mine. The shared experiences and stories brought a new dimension to my understanding of self and family history.

The iGENEA DNA test was instrumental in providing insights about my lineage that I had not previously had. It fostered a sense of belonging, a connection to a shared history that reached far beyond my immediate family. This firsthand exposure to my roots was a deeply personal and enriching experience. It certainly nurtured a newfound appreciation for the complexity and depth of genealogy. Overall, my exploration into the Rutter lineage using the iGENEA DNA test was a rewarding journey into the past that I can only describe as heartening.

M. Rutter

Further links

🧬DNA-ExplorerViking DNAGenealogy DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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